Parampoojya Leelatai Karve (25.05.1934 – 10.02.2003)
A Homamge to the Guru
Param Poojya Leelatai was born on 25th May 1934 and as per the Hindu/Indian calendar it was Mohini Ekadashi. To express our gratitude and pay tribute to our Guru Param Poojya Leelatai, the foundation of her Samadhi was laid down on 6th June 2003 in the Dhyanmandir of Dwarkadhish temple. Tai’s Padukas carved in Lotus shape were installed and finally Samadhi was unveiled on 1st May 2004, which happened to be Mohini Ekadashi and her 70th birthday according to Indian calendar. The unveiling of her Samadhi was done by Swami Sahajanand, a disciple of Swami Swaroopanand Maharaj of Pawas and was witnessed by hundreds of Krishna devotees. The Pratishthapana ceremony was conducted by Vedamurty Vivekshashtri Godbole and Vedamurty Mandar Khaladkar.
A Brief Life Sketch of Param Poojya Leelatai Karve
In this highly competitive and materialistic world, what human beings seek and need the most, is a spiritual retreat where they can find peace of mind. Our society and ourcountry has been blessed with many great Saints and Spiritual Gurus/Leaders who have constantly worked for the upliftment of humanity with the sole purpose of showing the right path of worship to the common people. The inspirational lives of great Saints which are absorbed in the selfless work of God/worship can provide the much-needed spiritual guidance, peace and succor to everyone who comes in contact with their life and work. Such an extraordinary Saint was a girl born in a small house of Shri. RaghunathShenvi, a resident of Mangeshi in Goa, on 25th May 1934. At the time of her birth, Aadi Shakti (Divine Mother) appeared in a vision to her mother and said “The one going to born will perform great deeds. Therefore, read and recite “DurgaSaptashati”. The religious minded mother thereupon scrupulously read and recited the holy book. A girl was born and named Leela. She brought great happiness to her family who entered the new house built by her father. Their financial condition was quite humble since Leela’s father was running a canteen and had only two cooks for help. After the birth of Leela within 1 ½ years, a tragedy befell as her father left for his heavenly abode. Thus Leela was brought up under the care of her mother and her paternal aunt. From her childhood, Leela was an obstinate and rebellious girl, but she was ever ready to do errands for the temple and the neighboring Math.
After completing SSC, under the shelter of famous poetess Indira Sant, Leela completed one year course of PTC (Primary Teachers Course). On 25th August 1956, she joined as a teacher at Khanapur. Like her parents, Leela had immense faith in Mangeshi and Navdurga. But from the age of 9 till she took Samadhi in 2003, it was Lord Krishna who had taken His abode in her life. Leela was always found immersed in devotion of Krishna. She had taken the message of Bhakti through contemplation, meditation and BhagwadGeeta. Wherever she went, she conquered the hearts of the people by love and taught them Krishna Bhakti. Parabrahma Sri Krishna always spoke through her. Everything took place according to His predictions, in a sense, Sri Krishna Paramatma always resided in her and steered the boat of her life as He wished. She had recommended many persons in distress under instructions from Sri Krishna. She had shown the path of devotion to those struggling in darkness. She had given support of love to youngsters, elders, poor and rich persons who were afflicted in their lives. She always communicated with Lord Krishna and received messagesfrom Him. During 1963, when she was at Chikodi, Sri Krishna showed her a vision of her would be husband during meditation. Later this vision turned out to be perfectly true. Leelatai was married to Shri VinayakKarve who was working in BARC at Mumbai. Leelatai finally settled down at Krishna Kutir, Jadhav Colony, Badlapur and was a primary teacher at Ordinance Factory School,Ambarnath, till her retirement. Leelatai became lonely after the untimely demise of her husband in 1983.
Krishnaleela Centers
Sri Krishna says,“Everybody should recite ‘OM NAMO BHAGAWATE VASUDEVAY’ mantra daily whenever possible so that I will stand by them. I respond to the call of the heart immediately and invariably. See me in your duties. I am committed to those who are committed to their duties. Believe in putting faith in me and make me your own”.
All classes of people, of all castes, creed and religion, experience the nectar of Sri KrishnaleelaKendras which are established all over the world.
Today there are more than 400 Sri Krishnaleelacentres all over the world where collective prayers are performed/made every week. The spirit of Sri Krishnaleelacentres, promoted by Poojya Tai, was basically to create awareness among the devotees for collective worship and prayers that creates positive and healthy vibrations in the society. Devotees coming together also create a bond of love and friendship that ultimately overcomes hatred, jealousy and unhealthy competition. Poojya Tai used to say that in olden days, Rishimunis performed Yagya and Yaga and their vibrations used to give strength to the society to overcome natural and social calamities. In modern days no such things are taking place and therefore, chanting of “OM NAMO BHAGAWATE VASUDEVAY” collectively can create great strength that can fight out the calamities in future. She had also indicated that her further spiritual work will continue through the centres that she had established all over the world.
Poojya Tai had decided to install 9 idols of ‘Vishwajanani Navdurga’ at various places in India and abroad. The intention behind this installation was to create strength in the society by worshiping the ‘Shakti‘. The first idol of Vishwajanani Navdurga was installed at Los Angeles, U.S.A. on 7th October 2002. The second idol was installed on 8th February 2003 at New Delhi just two days before Poojya Tai departed for her heavenly abode. After her departure the members of her family and her devotees completed the task of installing six more idols at Mumbai, Haldipur, Badlapur, Pune, Ratnagiri and Ranchi. Thousands of devotees participated in these installation ceremonies.
Our primary aim is to carry further the spiritual and social work left behind by her and we are confident that the blessings of Lord Dwarkadhish and our Guru Param Poojya Leelatai will give us the strength to work on the path that she had shown.