Our foremost object is to canvas the teachings and philosophy of Lord Krishna and the path laid down by Late Param Poojya Leela tai Karve of Badlapur, amongst the people of different castes, creeds and religions so as to preach amity, unity, happiness and brotherhood and further ignite the spirit of service and sacrifice for uplifting all human beings spiritually, socially and economically.

Our objects further include rendering assistance and guidance to all people residing in rural and backward areas in the state of Maharashtra for their economic, personal and spiritual growth, development and to establish Community Centers, Children’s Education and Recreation Centers and Educational Institutions or Centers for higher learning in rural areas in the state of Maharashtra and other parts of the country for their development.

We are also aiming to establish centers in the sphere of Adult Education, Performing Arts and Cultural Activities on Gurukul basis and to build and set up places for meditation and yoga for the use and benefit of the devotees and the public.

We also want to extend our hands in educating villagers to increase their efficiency and out-put by the use of better technology for progress and general rural development. Also, to render financial help and orientation to students from economically weaker sections of the society.

As we believe in giving back to the society, we want to extend our hands to further establish Medical Welfare Centers, Hospitals and Homes for the Aged and Needy.

We would also want to render assistance, both monetary and physical, to reconstruct, renovate old historical monuments which are treasured by the public in general and also  support, acquire, join and/or work in unison with Organizations, Societies and/or Trusts having such or similar aims and objectives.